Título Television and social behavior ;reports and papers... : a technical report to the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior ;edited by George A. Comstock [John P. Murray] and Eli A. Rubinstein ; editorial coordination Susan Lloyd-Jones ;
Lugar de publicación Rockville (Maryland)
Editorial National Institute of Mental Health
Fecha de publicación [1972]
Descripción física o extensión 5 v.
Dimensiones 23 cm

Rubinstein, Eli A.

Comstock, George A.

Estados Unidos. Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior

Murray, John P.

National Institute of Mental Health (Estados Unidos)

Tipo de material [Texto impreso] :
Serie U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, DHEW
Número en la serie HSM 72-9057-9059
Nota de contenido I. Media content and control.- IV p., 1 h., 546 p. II. Television and social learning.- IV p., 1 h., 371 p. III. Television and adolescent aggressiveness.- VI, 435 p. IV. Television in day-today life : patterns of use.- VI, 603 p. V. Television's effects : further explorations.- VI, 375 p.

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