Título Voyage of the Sonora in the second Bucareli expedition, to explore the Northwest coast survey the port of San Francisco and found Franciscan missions and a presidio and pueblo at that port, the journal kept in 1775 on the Sonora ;Translated by Daines Barrington from the original Spanish manuscript... with concise notes showing the voyages of the parliest explorers on the coast... new index to both text & notes by Thomas C. Russell ;
Lugar de publicación Millwood
Editorial [s.n.]
Fecha de publicación 1975
Lugar de impresión New York
Impresor Kraus Reprint
Descripción física o extensión XII, 120 p., 1 lám. pleg.
Dimensiones 28 cm
Tipo de material [Texto impreso]
ISBN 0-527-03237-9

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Signatura HA/54927
Localización Salón General
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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