Título The catholiqve ivdge : ;or a moderator of the catholique moderator : where in forme or manner of a plea or suite at law, the differences betweene those of the reformed church, and them of the Romish church are decided, and without partialitie is shewed which is the true religion and Catholique Church, for the instruction of either partie ;written in the Dutch and French tongue, by Iohn of the Crosse ; translated out of French into English ;
Descripción física o extensión Carrete de microfilme
Dimensiones 35 mm
Forma del contenido Texto (visual)
Tipo de medio microforma
Otro título The catholique judge
Incluido en http://datos.bne.es/resource/a4415904

Ejemplares disponibles

Signatura INV 08 ILL MICRO/84(537)
Localización Sala Cervantes. Referencia
Sede Sede de Recoletos



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