Título Numb3rs. ;created by Cheryl Heuton & Nicolas Falacci ; executive producers, Ridley Scott ... [et al.] ; music by Charlie Clouser ;
Lugar de publicación Madrid
Editorial distribuido por Paramount Home Entertainment
Fecha de publicación D.L. 2012
Descripción física o extensión 6 DVD-Vídeo (ca. 994 min)
Otras características físicas son., col.
Material de acompañamiento 1 funda
Depósito Legal M 16947-2012
Forma del contenido Imagen (en movimiento ; bidimensional)
Tipo de medio vídeo

Larson-Nitzsche, Christine

Dettmann, Andrew

Attanasio, Michael

Holcomb, Rod

O'Hara, Terrence (1945-)

Krumholtz, David (1978-)

Sanzel, Ken

Tobin, J. Miller

Schindel, Barry

MacNicol, Peter (1954-)

Clouser, Charlie (1963-)

Harden, J. David

Crouch, Sean

Markle, Peter (1952-)

Szwarc, Jeannot (1939-)

Roth, Bobby (1950-)

Smith, Dennis director

Levy, Jefery (1958-)

Hébert, Julie

McGill, Don

Behring, John

Hirsch, Judd (1935-)

Sokolsky, Bing (1963-)

Wolk, Andy

Eagles, Bill

Heuton, Cheryl

Port, Robert David

Fletcher, Ruth

Ellis, Peter (1948-2006)

Gyllenhaal, Stephen (1949-)

García, Ronald Víctor

Barba, Norberto

Gage, Christos

Morrow, Rob (1962-)

Llewellyn, Mark

Scott, Ridley (1937-)

Zakrzewski, Alex

Sterling, Jim

Falacci, Nicolas


Galardonada en los "BMI Film & TV Awards" en 2009

Segunda temporada realizada en 2005 y 2006 en Estados Unidos

Versiones en español, inglés, alemán y francés, con subtítulos opcionales en español, inglés, alemán, danés, finés, francés, holandés, noruego, sueco e inglés codificado para sordos

Recuento de cadáveres, diferentes mentes maestras criminales, asesinos en potencia dispuestos a actuar de nuevo... El agente del FBI Don Eppes (Rob Morrow) no puede ser más distinto de su hermano pequeño Charlie (David Krumholtz), brillante profesor de matemáticas en la Universidad de California. Don se enfrenta a la dura realidad de los hechos y las pruebas, mientras que Charlie se maneja en un mundo de probabilidades matemáticas y ecuaciones. Pero al margen de sus vidas y carreras opuestas, Don y Charlie ocasionalmente combinan sus experiencias para resolver un amplio número de desconcertantes crímenes en Los Ángeles. La unión del trabajo policial y las matemáticas dan las soluciones más inesperadas a las más complejas acciones criminales

Número de editor musical 83001

Formato de pantalla 16:9

Sistema de grabación del color PAL

Sistema de sonido Dolby Digital 5.1 en inglés y Dolby Surround en español, alemán y francés

Formato de película 1.78:1

Nota de contenido DVD 1. Juicio de valor = Judgement call / directed by Alexander Zakrzewski ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, Bobby Roth ; written by Ken Sanzel ; director of photography, Ron García. Para bien o para mal = Bettor or worse / directed by J. Miller Tobin ; produced by Michael Attanasio, Bobby Roth ; written by Andrew Dettmann ; director of photography, Ron García. Obsesión = Obsession / directed by John Behring ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, Bobby Roth ; written by Robert Port ; director of photography, Ron García. Riesgo calculado = Calculated risk / directed by Bill Eagles ; produced by Michael Attanasio, Bobby Roth ; written by J. David Harden ; director of photography, Ron García -- DVD 2. El sicario = Assassins / directed by Bobby Roth ; produced by Michael Attanasio, Bobby Roth ; written by Cheryl Heuton & Nicolas Falacci ; director of photography, Ron García. Objetivo final = Soft target / directed by Andy Wolk ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, Bobby Roth ; written by Don McGill ; director of photography, Ron García. La convergencia = Convergence / directed by Dennis Smith ; produced by Michael Attanasio ; written by Cheryl Heuton & Nicolas Falacci ; director of photography, Ron García. A la vista de todos = In plain sight / directed by J. Miller Tobin ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche ; written by Julie Hébert ; director of photography, Ron García -- DVD 3. Tóxicos = Toxin / directed by Jefery Levy ; produced by Michael Attanasio ; written by Ken Sanzel ; director of photography, Ron García. El legado de la tribu = Bones of contention / directed by Jeannot Szwarc ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche ; story by Jim Sterling, teleplay by Christos Gage & Ruth Fletcher-Gage ; director of photography, Ron García. El pirómano = Scorched / directed by Norberto Barba ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by Sean Crouch ; director of photography, Ron García. Bandas callejeras = The O.G. / directed by Rod Holcomb ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by Andrew Dettmann ; director of photography, Ron García -- DVD 4. Doble o nada = Double down / directed by Alex Zakrzewski ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by Don McGill ; director of photography, Ron García. Tráfico sangriento = Harvest / directed by John Behring ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by J. David Harden ; director of photography, Ron García. El corredor = The running man / directed by Terrence O'Hara ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by Ken Sanzel ; director of photography, Ron García. Grupos de protesta = Protest / directed by Dennis Smith ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by Cheryl Heuton & Nicolas Falacci ; director of photography, Ron García -- DVD 5. Juegos mentales = Mind games / directed by Peter Markle ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; story by Andrew Dettmann & Peter MacNicol, teleplay by Andrew Dettmann ; director of photography, Bing Sokolsky. Todo es justo = All's fair / directed by Rob Morrow ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by Julie Hébert ; director of photography, Ron García. La materia oscura = Dark matter / directed by Peter Ellis ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by Don McGill ; director of photography, Bing Sokolsky. Disparos y rosas = Guns and roses / directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; story by Robert Port & Mark Llewellyn, teleplay by Robert Port ; director of photography, Ron García -- DVD 6. Disparos a discreción = Rampage / directed by J. Miller Tobin ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by Ken Sanzel ; director of photography, Bing Sokolsky. Objetivo impreciso = Backscatter / directed by Bill Eagles ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by Cheryl Heuton & Nicolas Falacci ; director of photography, Ron García. Corrientes subterráneas = Undercurrents / directed by J. Miller Tobin ; produced by Michael Attanasio, John Behring ; written by J. David Harden ; director of photography, Bing Sokolsky. Inyección letal = Hot shot / directed by John Behring ; produced by Christine Larson-Nitzsche, John Behring ; written by Barry Schindel ; director of photography, Ron García
Intérpretes Rob Morrow, David Krumholtz, Judd Hirsch
Otro título La segunda temporada completa
Título dependiente La segunda temporada completa = The second season
Nota de alcance No recomendada para menores de 13 años

Ejemplares disponibles

Signatura DVD/72174 V. 1
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos
Signatura DVD/72175 V. 2
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos
Signatura DVD/72176 V. 3
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos
Signatura DVD/72177 V. 4
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos
Signatura DVD/72178 V. 5
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos
Signatura DVD/72179 V. 6
Localización Sala Barbieri
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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