Título Betty Boop ;serie completa ;directed by Dave Fleischer ; [produced by] Max Fleischer ;
Lugar de publicación Barcelona

distribuida por S.A.V.

Planeta Junior

Fecha de publicación D.L. 2008
Descripción física o extensión 5 DVD-Vídeo (ca. 368 min)
Otras características físicas son., col.
Material de acompañamiento 1 estuche
Depósito Legal B 36384-2008

Lerner, Sammy (1904-1990)

Brucker, Eli (1897-1982)

Eugster, Al (1909-1997)

D'Orsi, Ugo

Walker, Harold

Fleischer, Dave (1894-1979)

Tendlar, David (1909-1993)

Germanetti, George

Culhane, Shamus (1908-1996)

Waldman, Myron (1908-2006)

Hoffman, Dave

Endres, Frank

Steiner, George (1900-1967)

Timmins, Reuben (1910-1994)

Hastings, Charles (m. 1991)

Timberg, Sammy (1903-1992)

Sturm, William

Johnson, Thomas (1907-1960)

Fleischer, Max (1883-1972)

Kneitel, Seymour (1908-1964)

Eggeman, Rudolph

Wolf, Bernard (1911-2006)

Crandall, Roland (1892-1972)

Somerville, Ralph (1905-2000)

Bowsky, Willard (1907-1944)

Henning, William

Friedman, Lillian

Nolan, Edward

Goodson, Thomas

Stimson, Sam

Lokey, Hicks (1904-1990)

Tipo de material [Videograbación] :

Serie de animación realizada entre 1931 y 1937 en Estados Unidos

Betty Boop fue el primer dibujo animado de una chica "flapper". Hizo su primera aparición el 3 de agosto de 1930, en el dibujo animado Dizzy Dishes, en la sexta entrega de las series Fleischer's Talkartoon. Grim Natwick, animador veterano de los estudios de Walt Disney y Ub Iwerks, fue el principal responsable de crear el personaje, modelado con base en la figura de Helen Kane. Su fama se debe a que es el primer personaje de dibujos animados que representa completamente una mujer sensual. Lleva un vestido corto y liguero, tiene pecho prominente y enseña el escote. Las sensibilidades adultas de Betty la hicieron triunfar y una ola de mercadotecnia recorrió el mundo

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En la etiqueta: PKE DVD

Doblada en español

Número de editor musical P4I01042

Formato de pantalla 4:3

Formato de película 1.37:1

Sistema de grabación del color PAL

Nota de contenido DVD 1. En el parque de diversiones = Admission free / animated by Thomas Johnson and Rudolph Eggeman ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Compro todo = Any rags / [animated by Willard Bowsky and Thomas Bonfiglio ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. Las travesuras de Jimmy = Baby be good / animated by Myron Waldman and Edward Nolan ; [original music by George Steiner]. Fiesta en casa de un amigo = Betty Boop and Grompy / animated by David Tendlar and Charles Hastings. Masajes para engordar = Betty Boop and little Jimmy / animated by Myron Waldman and Hicks Lokey ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Siendo presidente, ¿qué haría? = Betty Boop for president / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Roland Crandall ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. En el País de las Maravillas = Betty in Blunderland / animated by Roland Crandall and Thomas Johnson ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Un viaje con mucho ritmo = The Betty Boop Limited / [animated by Willard Bowsky and Thomas Bonfiglio ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. El gran jefe = Betty Boop's big boss / animated by Bernard Wolf and David Tendlar ; [original music by Sammy Timberg] -- DVD 2. Feliz cumpleaños = Betty Boop's birthday party / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Myron Waldman ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. ¿Tiene panqueques? = Betty Boop's bizzy bee / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Bernard Wolf ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Invenciones locas = Betty Boop's crazy inventions / animated by Willard Bowsky and Ugo D'Orsi ; [original music by Samuel Lerner, Sammy Timberg]. La noche de las brujas = Betty Boop's Hallowe'en party / animated by Willard Bowsky and Myron Waldman ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. La isla = Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle / animated by Seymour Kneitel, Bernard Wolf. Automovilista sin ruedas = Betty Boop's ker-choo / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Bernard Wolf ; [original music by Samuel Lerner, Sammy Timberg]. El socorrista = Betty Boop's life guard / animated by Willard Bowsky and David Tendlar. Mi pequeño amiguito = Betty Boop's little pal / animated by Myron Waldman and Edward Nolan ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Una fiesta pegajosa = Betty Boop's may party / animated by David Tendlar and William Hennin [sic] ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Los fantasmas del museo = Betty Boop's museum / animated by William Henning and Reuben Timinsky ; [original music by Samuel Lerner, Sammy Timberg] -- DVD 3. Laboratorio en las nubes = Betty Boop's penthouse / animated, Willard C. Bowsky [sic]. Los buenos son buenos = Betty Boop's prize show / animated by Myron Waldman and Lillian Friedman ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Recordando los éxitos = Betty Boop's rise to fame. Infracción al tránsito = Betty Boop's trial / animated by Myron Waldman and Hicks Lokey ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Qué mala suerte = Betty Boop's ups and downs / animated by Willard G. Bowsky and Ugo D'Orsi ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Una mudanza complicada = Bimbo's express ; Bailando en la cuerda floja = Boop-oop-a-doop. El candidato cándido = The candid candidate / [original music by Sammy Timberg]. La ciudad loca = Crazy town / animated by James H. Culhane and David Tendlar ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Escuela de danza = The dancing fool / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Bernard Wolf ; [original music by Sammy Timberg] -- DVD 4. El perrito bombero = Ding dong doggie / [animated by Frank Endres and Thomas Johnson]. Caperucita en el bosque = Dizzy Red Riding Hood / [original music by George Steiner]. El cazador cazado = The foxy hunter / [animated by Thomas Johnson and Harold Walker ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. El gran circo casero = Grampy's indoor outing / [animated by David Tendlar, William Sturm]. En boca cerrada = Ha! Ha! Ha! / animated by Seymour Kneitel and Roland Crandall ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. Qué olfato tiene este gato = Happy you and merry me / animated by Willard Bowsky and George Germanetti ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]. ¡Oh, Henry! ¡Qué has hecho, Henry! = Betty Boop [with] Henry, the funniest living American / [animated by Sam Stimson and Myron Waldman ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. Tú vendes y yo compro = The hot air salesman / [animation, Dave Hoffman, Thomas Johnson ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. Después de una noche = House cleaning blues / [animation by Eli Brucker, David Tendlar ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. Bimbo y Coco de cacería = A hunting we will go / animated by Alfred Eugster and Rudolph Eggeman -- DVD 5. Bimbo ha oído, he oído Bimbo = I heard / animated by Willard Bowsky and Myron Waldman. Exploradores a la cacerola = I'll be glad when you're dead you rascal you / animated by Willard Bowsky and Ralph Somerville. El bromista profesional = The impractical joker / [animated by Frank Endres and Thomas Johnson]. Adivina, adivinador = Is my palm read / animated by David Tendlar and William Henning. Qué alboroto con estos porotos = Jack and the beanstalk / [original music by George Steiner]. Medicina para la grosería = Judge for a day / [animated by Hicks Lokey and Myron Waldman ; original music by Sammy Timberg]. La moda no incomoda = Keep in style / animated by Myron Waldman and Edward Nolan ; [original music by Sammy Timberg]
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