Título A Correct Chart of the Cattegat and Sound from the Scaw to the Isle of Rugen including particular plans of the Sound, Gothenburg, Marstrand and Malo ;taken from the Danish and Swedish Surveys by John Hamilton Moore, Hydrographer to his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence 1791 ; J. Strephenson sculpsit ;
Lugar de publicación London
Editorial Published as the Act directs by J.H. Moore, Tower Hill
Fecha de publicación Jany. 3rd. 1791
Descripción física o extensión 1 carta náutica
Otras características físicas grab., col.
Dimensiones 160 x 81

Moore, John Hamilton (1738-1807)

Stephenson, John

Sound (Estrecho)

Tipo de material [Material cartográfico]
Nota En el margen inferior izquierdo se indica: "We have carefully examined this Chart and recommend it as more useful and correct than any published". "Commanders in the East Country Trade". "Pilots appointed to conduct the Russian Squadrons in the years 1791 and 1776" junto a ello el nombre de los mandos y pilotos.
Nota de contenido Inserta: 1. "Marstrand Haven".- Escala [ca 1:143.000]. 4 Miles [= 4,5 cm].- 13 x 12,5 cm. 2. "Entrances into Gothenburg".- Escala [ca 1:158.700]. 2 Leagues [= 7 cm].- 12,5 x 16 cm. 3. "Entrances into Malo".- Escala [ca 1:137.940]. 3 Miles [= 3,5 cm].- 14,5 x 12,5 cm. 4. "A Plan of the Grounds. The Bearings by Compass".- 10 x 19 cm. 5. "A Particular Chart of the Sound : on a Large Scale".- Escala [ca. 1:256.410]. 3 Leagues [= 6,5cm].- 25 x 50 cm. 6. Además inserta varios perfiles desta
Nota de publicación Consta además: "Sold by Messrs. Diston & Son, Elsineur & E. Smith. Liverpool"
Escala Escala [ca. 1:370.400]. 5 leagues de 20 a Degree [= 7,5 cm]
Nota Orientado con lis.- Nudos de rumbos.- Indica sondas batimétricas y veriles
Tipo de recurso relacionado Biblioteca Digital Hispánica

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Signatura MR/4/I SERIE 36/2
Localización Sala Goya. Cartografía
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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Material cartográfico


A Correct Chart of the Cattegat and Sound from the Scaw to the Isle of Rugen including particular plans of the Sound, Gothenburg, Marstrand and Malo

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