Título The discription of a maske, presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, on Twelfth Night last, in honour of the Lord Hayes, and his Bride ;Thomas Campion, Thomas Giles, Thomas Lupo ;
Lugar de publicación New York
Editorial Performers' Facsimiles
Fecha de publicación [ca. 2009]
Descripción física o extensión [38] p.
Dimensiones 24 cm

Giles, Thomas

Lupo, Thomas (1571-1627)

Tipo de material [Música notada]
Nota The discription of a maske no es enteramente de Thomas Campion; En el documento The discription of a maske, presented before[...], 2009, reproducción facsímil del original publicado en 1607, en la p. 38, aparece lo siguiente: "These Songes were used in the Maske, whereof the first two Ayres were made by M. Campion, the third and last by M, Lupo, the fourth by M. Tho. Giles, and though the last three Ayres were deuised onely for dauncing, yet they are here set forth with words that they may be sung to the Lute or Violl"
Serie Performers' Facsimiles
Número en la serie 259
Número de editor musical 07259

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Signatura MPREF PF 259
Localización Sala Barbieri. Referencia
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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