[Tŵrah, nbiʼim w-ktẇbim]
Título [Tŵrah, nbiʼim w-ktẇbim] ;
Fecha de publicación [S. XV]
Biblia hebraica ad optimorum tam impressorum ...
Título Biblia hebraica ad optimorum tam impressorum ... ;direxit opus, nouas capitum inscriptiones praefationemque adposuit D. Ioh. Henr. Maius ... ; collationem vero sedulam instituit, annotationem ac interpretationem vocum ... additit M. Georgius Christianus Bürcklin ... ;
Lugar de publicación Francofurti ad Moenum
Editorial impensis Ioannis Philippi Andreae
Fecha de publicación 1716
Biblia hebraica
Título Biblia hebraica ;olim a B. Christiano Reinneccio edita ... nunc denuo ... ; cum variis lectionibus ex ingenti Codicum copia á B. Kennicotto et I. B. de Rossi collatorum ediderunt D. Io. Christoph. Doederlein ... et Ioannes Henricus Meisner ... ;
Lugar de publicación Lipsiae
Editorial impensis I.G.I. Breitkopfii et Soc.
Fecha de publicación 1793
Biblia hebraica : or the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament, without points, after the Text of Kennicott, with the chief various readings selected from his collation of Hebrew Mss. from that of De Rossi and from the ancient versions, accompanied with English notes, critical, philological and explanatory, selected from the most approved ancient and modern English and foreign biblical critics
Biblia hebraica, or the hebrew Scriptures of the old Testament, without points, after the text of Kennicott, with the chief various readings selected from his collation of Hebrew mss., from that of De Rossi, and from the ancient versions
Título Biblia hebraica, or the hebrew Scriptures of the old Testament, without points, after the text of Kennicott, with the chief various readings ;accompanied with English notes, critical, philological, and explanatory, selected from the most approved ancient and modern, English and foreign Biblical critics by B. Boothroyd ; In two volumes ; Vol I [-Vol II] ;
Lugar de publicación Pontefract
Editorial Printed by and for the editor, B. Boothroyd ... [etc.]
Fecha de publicación [entre 1810 y 1816]
Biblia hebraica versibus, capitibus et sectionibus interstincta : notisque masoretarum keri et chetib instructa : ad editionem hooghtianam accuratissime adornata : adjiciuntur variae lectiones Pentateuchi hebraei et hebraeo-samaritani
Torah Neviʼim u-Khetuvim bi- shne ʻamudim = Biblia en dos colunas [sic] Hebrayco y Español ... en la primera ... el original hebraico ... en la segunda ... la traduccion en la lengua española
Título Torah Neviʼim u-Khetuvim bi- shne ʻamudim = ;[por Abraham Mendez de Castro] ;
Lugar de publicación Amsterdam
Editorial en casa y a costa de Joseph, Iacob, y Abraham de Salomon Proops
Fecha de publicación 5522 [1762]