Título The "Sacco di Budapest" and depredation of Hungary, 1938-1949 ;works of art missing from Hungary as a result ot the Second World War : looted, smuggled, captured, lost and destroyed art works, books and archival documents : preliminary and provisional catalogue ;compiled by László Mravik ; [translation from the Hungarian, Chris Sullivan, Bertalan Szilánk, László Mravik] ;
Lugar de publicación Budapest
Editorial Published by the Hungarian National Gallery for the Joint Restitution Committee at the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Education
Fecha de publicación 1998
Descripción física o extensión 468 p.
Otras características físicas il.
Dimensiones 34 cm
Tipo de material [Texto impreso] :
Serie Hungarian National Gallery publications
Número en la serie 1998/2
ISSN de la serie 0864-7291

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Signatura BA/36362
Localización Sala Goya. Bellas Artes
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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