Título The troublesome and hard adventures in love ; : lively setting forth, the feavers, the dangers, and the jealousies of lovers ... illustrated by many admirable patterns of heroical resolutions in some persons of chivalry ... by the examples of incomparable perfections in some ladies ... ;written in spanish, by ... Michael Cervantes ; and exactly translated into english, by R.C. Gent ;
Lugar de publicación London
Editorial printed by b. Alsop ...
Fecha de publicación 1652
Descripción física o extensión [280] p.

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616)

Gent, R. C.

Alsop, Bernard

Localidad relacionada Londres
País relacionado Reino Unido
Tipo de material [Texto impreso]

Simón Diaz t. XV, nº 1905 considera la obra una traducción de La Diana de Jorge de Montemayor

The British Library General Catalogue atribuye la obra a Miguel de cervantes Saavedra, aunque la considera dudosa o supuesta

Palau t. III, nº 54045 la atribuye a Miguel de Cervantes

Encabezamiento tomado de José Simón Diaz t. XV, p. 253


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Sign.: A-2M±4÷

Tipo de recurso relacionado Biblioteca Digital Hispánica

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Signatura R/39836
Localización Sala Cervantes
Sede Sede de Recoletos

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The troublesome and hard adventures in love  : lively setting forth, the feavers, the dangers, and the jealousies of lovers ... illustrated by many admirable patterns of heroical resolutions in some persons of chivalry ... by the examples of incomparable perfections in some ladies ...

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